Friday, December 9, 2011

FlatClassroom Project

What i enjoyed most about the project was how alot of it was project work. We mainly used things like video and picture which made it a lot more interesting.We also got put in to groups so we didn't have to do it all by ourselves. We could use all the information that everyone participated with and added in.

The biggest challenges to this project was working with teams. It was a big help to the project but some of the groups didn't work well together there for making it hard to make videos. Other situations are that some people delivered the videos to the askers in a day or two, and other didn't get it until the last second or after due date. I dont think its fair to some of the students.

Maybe have specific groups put together that you know will do the work and make them a little more even so its fair. I know it would be hard to do but if there was a way to do it. I would also give just a little more time. I felt like i was in a bit of a rush at some points and other times i was doing nothing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big Little Classroom

1.Because many different places in the world are all different sizes. But no matter how big it is the people can still be the same great people.

2.They use Alluminate that uses video chat to have conference meetings and to meet with people such as there labtops. They use it to talk around the world to learn about there culture.

3.They communicate with different people to learn there cultures. They also have the students meet people like writers because its what some of the students want to do when they get older.

4.If it works for them thats great. Some people are better at learning things on there own. But some students are better at face to face learning. So its based on the person, so either way its good or bad.

5.Its a big help to be able to know whats going on. To me its very important to be able to understand the people your working with or learning about.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The world is flat 3.0

Learning about The World Is Flat project caught me off guard when i saw it has been downloaded 70,000 times. It is good software that is changing the way people do stuff. It allows new ways to surf the internet. Many things i learned is the project collected a trillion dollars in just five years. It’s a company that made a lot of money. It was started on Feb, fifteenth of 2004.

World is flat allows new things to happen when it comes to the internet. Able to download any content and keep it as your own is a remarkable thing. Also anything that you do can be uploaded for the world to see, which helps many people trying to be heard. The man started with New York Times, a very popular magazine. With new projects coming into play, there will be more jobs available. More people are coming into the world and could always use a job.

I feel The Flat Classroom Project will be a big help with social skills. I will be able to work with people around the world that i won’t even see face to face. But that is one thing i do not like about the project. I personally like to work face to face with one another. Not able to communicate in the same room may cause difficulties with some of the students. But being able to meet new people that you would have never met in a lifetime seems to be pretty cool. I wonder exactly how the project will work. How exactly do we share when we are so far away?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Video

This is my favorite video, because i am a big fan of my running. I run for Valley cross country and track. I am a varsity runner and both and have high expectations. Running is a big part of my future and its the thing i work hardest for. Please enjoy and like if you want to.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Using One Note

One Note is a software that is used for taking notes and keeping files seperate, and organized. In One Note you can have files for all your different calssess. It has all the basics of microsoft and other documents. It allows you to be able to hold different folders inside the main folder so you can keep notes seperate.

One Note has many things of the same and many things different. One Note allows you to have documents saved all on the same page. Microsoft makes it so you have to save papers individual, where you have to load all of them. One Note also auto saves everytime you do something, so you don't have to worrry about accidently exiting out with out saving. One Note also makes it so you can go to websites and copty anything you highlight in a region.

One Note will help buisness perfessionals in many different ways. Such as when you are in school you can take all your notes on one file. Or if you are at interviews and you need to make a presentation. Its all on one documetn so you dont have to load over and over. It also carries all the same stuff that Microsoft offers, such as font text and size. You can even change the color of you pages and even text and such. All together it has the best features for your buisness needs.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

3 favorite websites I use Flotrack every day to track all the miles Ive ran over time. I can right down the intensity, how many miles on my shoes, and even look up good race meals. I am able to use It so I can have all my running information In one place. Its a great way to let coaches know how Im doing and where future races will be. This Is a website I check at least 3-4 time a week. I am able to check the stats of different runners and see how I need to improve. I can see who the top 20 are for any kind of race to see whos going to Drake Relays. I can learn new runners and how they compete. This website helps my improvents with my running game. I love addicting games because It passes time whenever you need something to do. It has over a thousand games over. It has any kind of game that you can think of, and will entertain you for how ever long you need. My friends and I like to play games and find out which are good and which are not.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

About me

Hello, maybe you are wanting to know about me or maybe not. But If you do here Is a little about me. My name Is Koelten Michael Grissom. Months ago my last name was Reed, but adoption has currently  happened and yes so on. My name Is spelled weird I know, but thats something Ill have to live by being from my mother. I love music, hanging with friends, cookies and ice cream, and running is my world " which Is why im not fat". I am currently in the class know as "Digitools" which is super amazing so far. Its tought me to use new technology on websites I did not know about before.

Technology In my life Is used many times over every day. Im a fanatic on texting people, I use facebook, email ect. I use it mainly to keep in touch with friends, family and even to meet intrests. My parents always tease me about how much I use my phone, but Its ok, you learn to ignore them. Using technology is so much esier then having out a pen and paper. I can use technology to write papers, make presentations and even to look up information.

What are some of your reasons you use technology for? How does it help you?