Thursday, September 15, 2011

Using One Note

One Note is a software that is used for taking notes and keeping files seperate, and organized. In One Note you can have files for all your different calssess. It has all the basics of microsoft and other documents. It allows you to be able to hold different folders inside the main folder so you can keep notes seperate.

One Note has many things of the same and many things different. One Note allows you to have documents saved all on the same page. Microsoft makes it so you have to save papers individual, where you have to load all of them. One Note also auto saves everytime you do something, so you don't have to worrry about accidently exiting out with out saving. One Note also makes it so you can go to websites and copty anything you highlight in a region.

One Note will help buisness perfessionals in many different ways. Such as when you are in school you can take all your notes on one file. Or if you are at interviews and you need to make a presentation. Its all on one documetn so you dont have to load over and over. It also carries all the same stuff that Microsoft offers, such as font text and size. You can even change the color of you pages and even text and such. All together it has the best features for your buisness needs.

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